Day 10... 10 DOWN, 11 more to go!!!!

Apparently I put my big girl panties on today! I decided to try the Detox with just cold water, mixing it up, not plugging my nose and just chugging away, followed by another nice cold glass of water. It really wasn't bad at all! I think I've got this HANDS DOWN :)

Today was a fairly easy day. It all started with P90X Yoga, which felt absolutely AMAZING! My roommies and I pulled out our mats and towels and squeezed ourselves into the living room, kicking and bumping each other at times, but it was so worth it! Roommate bonding time <3 I wish I had a pic of this...I'll get one next time.

Breakfast was again a plate of fresh fruit, which I'm totally loving by they way and wish I could eat fruit ALL DAY, but as some of you know that's just really not as healthy as others may think. Check out this link as to WHY :)

Can You Eat Too Much Fruit In A DAY?

Lunch consisted of a Roasted Red Pepper & Sweet Potato Soup and a Greek Salad, YUMMM, and even better because my roommie made it for me while I got ready! It turned out that my tummy only allowed for the salad and a tiny bit of the soup. I feel like the Detox mix that we drink 30 minutes before meals is very filling.

Snack I had yet another Chocolate Vegan Shakeology today...this really holds me over til dinner and actually held me over for quite some time tonight.

Dinner Tonight's menu consisted of Quinoa Lentil Pilaf and 1-2 cups of Broccoli. OHHHH, how I LOVE both of these, but seriously, that Detox just fill up my belly again and I couldn't eat all of my dinner!

Come to find out, I am not the only one who is feeling so energetic, positive and clear minded! While getting ready for our quick trip to the beach after breakfast this morning, Lauren, my roommate, mentioned how great she was feeling. She said she's been a bit more hungry these first few days of the Detox (which I was also the 1st time I did the Reset), but she also mentioned how she feels ready to take on the world, super motivated and clear headed! As I played on Facebook for a few minutes today checking out friends who are also doing the Reset right now, it seemed that they were all saying the same thing. They have this overwhelming urge to clean and straighten and get things done. WOW! It is just CRAZY.....the difference eating healthy and CLEAN can make in our every day lives!!!! Not only does it make us feel good on the inside, but on the outside as well :) Let's all get contagious.....spread the joy of eating clean. The positivity that will radiate from you, will begin to rub off on others around us!


  1. Food has a huge influence on mood. Check out this book, I also think it's amazing that when you eliminate particular foods for a cleanse, clean eating or elimination challenge that when you start to introduce old foods again you are more sensitive to how they make you feel.


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