Ringing in 2015
HAPPY 2015!!!!!
This year, I rang in the New Year with some very beautiful people ~inside and out.
Some old friends.....
Like Amy, whom I've known for years
and became very close with over the last year and a half....gosh, such a
funny story as to how we met. What was it, first FAU? Then CHE? Then
distance where barely spoke, and then something clicked a few years
later and she became part of my church crew and the best Sunday beach
buddy :) Those can be stories for another day....
then this guy, Daniel, my other little brother who is not related at
all but in fact a best friend of my ex-fiance....another whole slew of
stories for yet again, another day. I'm so thankful for our friendship.
Just one of the many reasons I truly believe that good things really do
come out of difficult situations.
And then those new friends....
Like this girl right here...
Words cannot describe how grateful I am to have met her....
We have been work bffs since this August when I started at my new school. We were both at a meeting during pre-pre-planning week (yeah that's right, we pre-pre-plan as teachers) and well basically, we hit it off right away with only one thing that connected us...a common previous co-worker.
Her radiant energy and positivity are absolutely beautiful!
So glad I know when it's time for change and act upon it even though it's scary as he**!
While 2014 looked like a lot of fun, and don't get me wrong, it was, I know in my heart I didn't always make the best choices. I mean who does!!!?? We're all
perfectly imperfect. I'm definitely ready to take 2015 and run with it and with this girl to the left, my bff/forever roommy/sister, Hillary.
This pic was from last night; January 1, 2015, when we finally sat down to see the movie Wild! Yes, Hillary and I sat for more than 2 hours to see this awesome movie! Sitting is something the two of us are not so good at, but man, this was worth it....sister time and some seriously great thinking time about where we have been these past couple years of knowing each other and where our futures can bring us.
Learning from the past, changing for the future.
Some things can stay, some things must go and some things need some fine tuning.
I CANNOT wait to see what 2015 has in store for not only me, but my friends as well.
Here's to a healthy, prosperous year ahead to all of my friends and family <3
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